Theta Healing is a meditative technique conducted while the client and practitioner are in a theta brainwave state – an altered consciousness where brain waves are slowed to a relaxed mode.

Theta healing is working with advanced science and quantum physics as well as the movement of energy, atoms and other particles in order to allow the body and the mind the conditions they need to heal.

In a session, I will bring the client to a Theta state through a quick meditation. While in this state, your subconscious truths will emerge more easily so I can identify your limiting belief programs and clear them.

What makes ThetaHealing’s results lasting and effective is a process called Digging. If you come in with one issue, I’ll ask you a series of questions to get to the root of the issue. If only the surface belief is healed, the root issue is still there, and the negative belief might even return.

Imagine a Jenga stack. If you remove the top block, the structure—the root issue—stays intact. But if you pull out the bottom piece, the whole stack falls away. The digging process saves time because once the root belief is healed, the related issues, including the surface-level issue you came in with, go away as well. What’s interesting is that the surface issue and the root issues may not logically seem related to each other, and only through digging we uncover how it does.