Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a psychology approach that looks at how our brain (neuro), language (linguistic), and learned behaviors (programming) are interconnected. 

It offers various techniques to help understand and change these connections for personal development. 

Some common techniques include:

  • Linking a specific trigger to a certain feeling or state to recall it when needed.
  • Changing how someone sees a situation by giving it a new meaning.
  • Copying successful behaviors and strategies from others to achieve similar results.
  • Identifying and questioning language patterns to improve communication.
  • Using imagination to visualize positive outcomes or practice desired behaviors.
  • Replacing unwanted behaviors with better ones through visualization.
  • Building trust and connection to communicate effectively and influence others.

NLP can be helpful for various challenges like:

  • overcoming fears
  • phobias
  • anxiety
  • improving communication
  • changing habits
  • boosting performance
  • personal growth

While NLP stands out as a valuable tool for personal growth, I believe that this method –  much like any other – reaches its full potential only when coupled with consciousness.