What Event Horizon means?

In astrophysics, an event horizon is a boundary beyond which events cannot affect an observer.

And that’s exactly the state of being that we want to achieve with this program.

Event Horizon is an innovative healing program made up of 8 types of different healing techniques.

What is its purpose? 

This program was designed to bring about immediate changes in people’s lives.

There is no time left for resting in a desperate, confused, depressed or shattered state. 

The World has need of conscious people. Immediately.

How does the program work?

This program is structured into 6 distinct sessions, each designed to address specific aspects of personal development:

  1. Family Dynamics (Session 1): In this session, we delve into generational traumas and childhood experiences, aiming to understand and heal the impact they have had on your life.
  2. Relationship Building (Session 2): Focusing on both personal and professional interactions, this session explores the foundations of healthy relationships, equipping you with valuable insights and skills.
  3. Self-Discovery and Confidence (Session 3): Dedicated to fostering self-knowledge, self-awareness, and self-confidence. It helps you recognize your true worth and potential.
  4. Financial Wellness (Session 4): Addressing your relationship with money and abundance, this session guides you toward achieving financial stability and prosperity.
  5. Holistic Health (Session 5): Investigating the profound connection between emotions and physical well-being, this session aids in understanding how your emotions impact your overall health.
  6. Spirituality and Life Purpose (Session 6): The final session explores your relationship with the world, helping you uncover your sense of purpose and spirituality, ultimately guiding you towards finding your rightful place in the world and embracing the present moment.

The objective of this program is to guide individuals on a transformative journey towards true personal development.

I use a diverse range of transformative techniques, including Hypnotherapy, EMDR, EFT, Channeling, NLP, Theta healing, Emotion Code, and Extrasensory programming.

The program comprises:

  1. An initial welcome questionnaire, meticulously crafted to help you gain clarity regarding any detrimental patterns in your thought processes.
  2. A series of six private sessions, spaced 1 week apart, during which we systematically address and overcome every obstacle standing between you and the realization of your dream life.
  3. Additionally, at your request, I provide Vox support in-between sessions. This feature empowers you to have your most pressing questions addressed promptly and ensures that you continue to take productive steps forward on your transformative journey.