The Emotion Code is a healing modality that helps with physical and emotional imbalances. It helps getting rid of the accumulated emotions.

Most of our emotions that are felt on a daily basis are processed immediately but some have a stronger effect on us and become trapped. This becomes like emotional baggage that we carry around with us and in time can become overwhelming and even debilitating.

Trapped emotions distort your energy field causing imbalances in your body which can result in your physical and/or emotional distress and general disease.

How Are Trapped Emotions Released?

All the information about trapped emotions are stored in your subconscious mind, which is 90% of your brain. In practice it is the ultra-intelligent computer system of your body.

It knows exactly what you need in order to achieve balance in the five key areas of health (physical, emotional, environmental, spiritual, and intellectual). 

Once energetically connected to your subconscious, I will use specific questioning, charts of emotions, and muscle testing to get precise answers from your subconscious about imbalances in your body that need to be addressed.  These questions are carefully thought out with specific intention to expose the trapped emotions that are depressing your optimal health.